Emergency borage

It may only be a few days since I blipped some borage, but this is different, as it's damp with a few raindrops, and it's a much better picture. So there we go. I did have a few alternatives as I allowed myself a bit of time before my gym class to go for a walk and take some pictures. But this is the best of the bunch.

The gym class was a bit odd. It was billed as a sort of pilates/yoga mix, but was really just pilates on steroids, with a bit of old fashioned calisthenics thrown in. A very pleasant young male instructor, who - I suspect - was trained as a ballet dancer. It seemed to me that we were mainly doing a mashup of the exercises he was required to do when training for ballet. The last time I met a male ballet dancer was in Perth, Australia, when I was flat out on a sports massage table. I'm not sure I'll try it again, but it was suitably strenuous.

I know I'm a pretty boring person at the moment, with my book and my gym classes, but I'm actually quite proud of myself that I've managed to average an hour a day of exercise whilst doing the book. I think that's pretty good, and it's keeping me sane and helping me sleep (although I didn't sleep too well last night).

For the record, the day went well, although I didn't actually finish a section. But I changed the structure of the chapter somewhat which meant that because I incorporated some other sections into the section I've been working on for a couple of days, I have in effect got closer to the end of the chapter. Not exactly touching distance, but I can see it in the distance.

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