Turbines on Sanday (Day 1568)

There was a stupidly early start for me this morning so that I could catch the 7am ferry across to Eday. The ferry stopped in at Stronsay on the way before finally arriving in Eday at 930am. 
The job was to deal with a couple of leaks under a kitchen sink which took less than an hour. I had plenty of time for a coffee before going to the pier to catch the ferry home at 1135. Whilst waiting for the ferry to come in, I took a shot of the view across to Sanday. I got a much closer view of the turbines on Sanday a little later when the ferry stopped off there. I finally got off the ferry at 1330. It seems like a ridiculously long day for such a short job. 
I was home in time for a brief catch up with my beautiful wife before she zoomed off to an overnight shift at work. 

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