This day

By snapper


Today I lost my wonderful cousin Kenny Davidson. Prior to us arriving in Argyll I never even knew he existed, we only discovered we were cousins through another common cousin. Ironically, the house we bought was just yards away from him. His eldest daughter and my youngest share the same age and birthday and have been best friends since we arrived here 17 years ago.
He was a computer genius, never raised his voice, and his stock phrase when he was fixing a computer was "sorted' and he had the endearing little habit of singing dub dub dub  when he was concentrating on something.  He was a dedicated Dr Who fan and his taste in music was totally weird . We would spend hours talking politics and sorting the world and I had always thought he would be around forever.
On Sunday he went wasn't feeling well and was sick, he was alone at the time and for some God forsaken reason he chose to ignore the tell tale signs of bacterial meningitis.  He was found in a coma by his best friend who had him rushed to hospital but today, Kenny gave up his fight and all the machinery was switched off. He died peacefully this evening surrounded by his family. He was only 48
He carried a donor card so out one family tragedy there will be joy for another family.
As Kenny  himself  would say...."sorted" 
We will miss you wee guy.
Rest in peace.

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