
By AnnieBScotland

abstract in pink

heavily cropped macro of flower petals, trying to get back to practicing with the macro lens.

domestic day today, shopping to fill up the cupboards, vacuuming up the tree needles - even though it is an artificial tree you still get lots of needles dropping off as you lug it up the ladder to the attic! - and probably get a play with my new 'home studio' later.

went to this new exercise class last night called metafit. half an hour of hard repetitive exercises that are supposed to burn fat and keep your metabolism fired up for 24 hours. I'm not convinced. think I'd rather go for a swim and sauna!!

curious thing. yesterday when I started the new regime the scales said 64.9kilos. as Lazooligirl and I decided we'd post our wieght loss on a friday I stepped on the scales today and they read 63.8kilos. I can't have lost 1.1 kilos in 24 hours. but the scales don't lie. perhaps it is fluid, all the wine evaporating!

since yesterday's blip:
wine: none
treats: handful of spiced fruit and nuts lurking in the cupboard that I had forgotten about. a few cherries - does fruit count as a treat?
halo: still shining.

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