Yesterday went like this
Woke about 3 am, weird cramp in my leg, felt faint & queazy, got to the bathroom just in time, .. needs no explanation :( , back to bed woke at 6.30, felt okay .......breakfast, 3 hours on the allotment, home, shower, change into my glad rags, wrap a present & write out a birthday card, once I'd remembered where I'd put it. Do you do that? Buy apt birthday cards when you see them, put them somewhere & then forget?Anyway, that done I go and pick up a friend visiting from Barbados, in Hennock, say hi to her son, Ben, who I have'nt seen for about 30years, leave Jane's mum a goodie bag from the allotment, runner beans, courgettes, a jar of strawberry jam, plus a jar of courgette chutney, drive down to Marldon. We're meeting another friend, Jeanette, at the Church House Inn. Due to Road Closed! & Diversion signs I get completely lost. Get directions from a lady walking her little something. Arrive at The Church House Inn .............. I had The Old Smokey Inn in my mind, visually, so very surprised but pleased. I'd been here quite recently for a friends mothers funeral. The wake was in the pub. A very friendly welcome, which is very important to me, we ordered our drinks just as Jeanette arrived. The sun was shining, we sat outside and had a super lunch. Our food was delicious, my ham hock & pea terrine, toast, & chutney was perfect. The girls had open sandwiches, which looked great & tasted good apparently :). Puds? Of course we had a pud .. Summer berry pudding with clotted cream for me. Jane had a white chocolate terrine, served with a hazelnut meringue & espresso drizzle. Well I think that's what it was ... I think we covered everything .. family, disagreements, family upsets, horses, riding, reminiscing. I think that covered just about everything. lol! I may have told you before about how we met ..... we were babies born in Newton Abbot Hospital , born 6 days apart. Me on the 27th August, Jane on 29th, Jeanette the 1st September. We next met through school/horse riding. Jane lives & works in Barbados but whenever she comes home to visit her parents we try to meet up. A brilliant catch up.
After saying goodbye to Jeanette, we followed her to the local shops. I needed to grab a bottle of Prosecco. It's a friends 50th birthday, TODAY. A bottle purchased from one shop, a bottle gift bag from next door, we head off to King's Ash, drop off the card & pressie then home via Otter Garden Centre for me to look at specimen plants, conifers ideally, for George & Jean. Conifers not available but a fine looking Liquidamber styraciflua. I enquire about delivery charges etc. Phone G&C yes they like the sound of it, but want to chat. Back to Hennock, drop Jane off, home make dinner....................Dinner. Cottage pie & baked beans. The only time I eat baked beans. Jean rings to tell me she has ordered, paid for the tree plus delivery over the phone and arranged delivery for today, Thursday.
Ahhhhh! Oh Blip!!!!! WideWednesday ... An interesting tree, by complete coincidence, Jane suggested I stand beside the specimen tree for a photo so that G&J could see what you get for your £49.99, hence my w.....i .....d .....e being tall. Mono because ............. I've no idea.
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Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting
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