The Milton Hilton...

My Day:
Slept well which was a relief…hung around the house waiting for a parcel… My mate cancelled again so looks like the catch-up will be next week.
Back into Portsmouth to snap a photo or two then went to the club with grub for lunch then back home and been watching videos about Martin Parr.
What pleased me about this photo was the matching lines… vertically you have the side of the jetty on the left, the block of flats, the posts holding the yacht up and the mast. Just off horizontal you have the boom and the nearest waters edge. I wish I could say it was planned; I think we’ll put that down to a lucky accident.
The flats are one of Portsmouth Uni’s student accommodation blocks, when build in I guess the 70’s it was know as the Milton Hilton as it was thought to be to good for student accommodation. I guess it was still Portsmouth Poly in the 70’s
Day 42/92

Got back on the bike… a little bit on the turbos done today.
More tomorrow

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