A rural life for me

By Rhubarrb

Right lads, follow me - quiiiiiick march!

Went to get something out of the kitchen and spotted 'our' covey of partridge bumbling about the front of the house again. No commando style single file furtive moves this time, just some relaxed pecking and scratching. Counted 14. Hubby sneaked off to get the camera and I managed to get a number of shots of them.
I love this one. Makes me think of a very stiff upper lip British Dad's Army type lot. All 14 got up on the wall and ran along to the end and popped off into the field.

In other news..... thinking of starting our VW project (see yesterdays blip) but the sheer number and smallness of the pieces is all a bit daunting really! It will no doubt feature in a several blips to come - from the mountainous pile of diassembled bit,s to the half finished, to the end product (if we mange it on our own and don't have to call on our 8 year old nephew to help us!)

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