On the lake.

This morning on our way through Helston ,i was unable to get cash from Helston atm.told to contact bank.this was at nine ,and they do not open untill 9.30.we were going to Camborne ,so i popped into Barclays there.the tiller said i was sent a new card last month.i said i have not receive a new one .and the one i have suppose to run untill 2021.she said if there have been fraudulent activity the card would be declined.but checked my account and that hasn't happened.so i signed to draw money out.i said i would of been embarrased if i was at a supermarket check out and not able to pay for the groceries.i will get a new card next week.the tiller was very nice and told me she came from Newport in Wales and married a Cornish lad.this afternoon we went to Helston for a walk around the boating lake.lot of holiday traffic on the roads.the weather forecast is good,it has been so hot today.

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