Cozy in her cat carrier

We have her carrier available at all times, she's very comfortable and cozy in it. She's an inside cat only, so it's a quick spot to safely tuck her in if we have to have the door open for lots of guests or a delivery. 

We also use it as a nice resting spot for her when we are eating. Abyssinians are accomplished human food thieves and love an array of food that most cats would never even think of sampling. She's a retired show cat, so spending time in a carrier is second nature and she never fusses. We reward her with her favorite snack, chunks of freeze dried chicken which are referred to as "Cat Crack "for those in the know!

For the Record,
This day came in with brief showers and some sun. The temperature is finally dropping as well as the humidity.

All hands looking forward to the weekend. We're getting together for dinner at a local Irish Pub, The Snug, with one of our Irish Rover friends from our May trip. 

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