Just a bloke hanging out

I had a terrible night's sleep which, when combined with the fact we've been hosting L today, meant that I got very little done. Oh well, can't be helped. I probably needed an (almost) day off. I made the most of my time with my son by walking with him to collect his hire car. We went through the park, which was busy with all sorts of activities, including the usual lying in the grass stuff, walking dogs, and kids playing the playground, but also some other kids playing shinty and this, over on the football field. A stray fringe performer practising his thing maybe?

When we got back, we hosted L and his friend W for tea, before they went off to Arran for their boys weekend. They've bought a cask of whisky between 12 of them, and now they are going to visit it.

This morning I got a letter I've been awaiting for around 8 weeks. I have a date. All systems go.

AS I was up early and the weather is good, I've added an extra of the #stateofthatview (early in the morning in mid August).

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