It's Just Not Cricket

We took a much less bruised and swollen Sophie to her dance activity after breakfast and popped back on the bikes when it finished to watch the short performance they had prepared. Kate came as well and they came on for a bit of retail therapy in the new Haribo store that has opened in the village.

Other than that, we had a busy day shopping for and preparing a meal for our friends Roger & Jo who came round for a meal this evening; it was their Silver Wedding Anniversary earlier in the week and, as I was best man at their wedding, we wanted to mark the occasion.

Their youngest son Jake came with them as designated driver and we had a very sociable evening. Given that our cooker has given up the ghost, we were fortunate that it was a beautiful summer evening for a BBQ and we were able to sit out long after dark chatting and drinking more than was probably good for us.

This grasshopper joined us in the kitchen during our afternoon of cooking so I took the opportunity of blipping it before liberating it back to the garden.

England's batting in their first innings of the Test Match bore even less resemblance to cricket than this grasshopper.

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