Hating All the Faking &Shaking While I'm Breaking
What a gorgeous day.
We were up and about early - himself had a toe appointment and I had a glasses appointment.
It was a gorgeous morning and after we had done our appointments we sat on the beach for a moment, and took in the sunshine, and the many, many people on the park run. Wow. That is energetic.
Changed my library books, and then headed up to the allotment.
We dug up Green Beans, Carrots and beets. The beets are just out the oven. Smell amazing
Then we went and got our shopping, and then sat and lazed in the garden (we pretended we were gonna do stuff but we didn't.
Then we had an amazing dinner. And then I dug a bit of the garden over.
Then there was an amazing sky so I headed to the beach.
The tide was so high - maybe only 20 feet from the dunes, and I walked right to the edge. I was sightly distracted by blue lights near the town; but then my attention was taken by this chap -
He had had his pony saddled up to a trap - but now he was walking it into the sea. He walked out about forty feet, and stood - it was all very picturesque.
as he came back to shore, I showed him the shot - and then I wandered off.
I actually sat on the sand for about half an hour watching the waves, and the clouds and the sun.
And then I got stuck behind him and his mate as he took his horsey back to wherever he came from
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