Today we celebrated Inge’s birthday. Lots of friends and relatives came to visit, making it a very busy but also highly enjoyable day. It was very warm so we spent the entire day outside. Luckily I had done a lot of gardening the last couple of days so all the weeds, some of which had grown alarmingly high, were all out of the way.
Walking from kitchen to garden all day and also upstairs to start several 3D print requests still didn’t give me all the exercise needed to close the rings on my Apple Watch, so I went out for a walk after the last guests had left. Since it was already getting dark, I decided to wear this reflective wristband. One could argue that my very white legs would ensure I am visible enough in the dark, but I wasn’t going to take any chances :-)
There was an Apple Watch challenge today to walk, hike, wheelchair or run three miles to celebrate Grand Canyon National Park’s 100th anniversary. That translates into 3.8km so with my 5.5km walk I earned this award. Yay me!
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