The River Tweed

We awoke to fog, and the garden was covered in spiders’ webs, which were bejewelled by the dampness.  Undaunted I still hung my washing out at the crack of dawn and then we headed to Peebles for BB’s football.  We hadn’t gone far before we were out of the fog.  It turned into another very hot and glorious day.  We dropped BB off and TT headed off for a walk along the Tweed.  We got back at half time,  TT stayed to watch the second half and I walked a bit further along the river, along a path I had not explored before.  I didn’t go that far, before heading back to the game, only to find out it wasn’t going well.  The boys were exhausted and very hot.  I can’t imagine they will have played in such heart before.

We then headed to a local; café for lunch, which certainly cheered BB up, before wandering back to the car, the supermarket, then driving home.  We had a lovely drive home through Innerleithen and Heriot, until the last five miles, where there were some crazy drivers.  We were glad to get home in one piece.

TT gave the grass a quick cut and I did a couple of jobs, including taking in my dry washing.  That was just in time, as I then sat down in the garden to enjoy the sunshine with my book, only to be smoked out by our next door neighbour’s bonfire!!  I couldn’t believe it. He is retired and could have a bonfire anytime he likes, so why on a glorious Sunday afternoon, when everyone is out in their gardens enjoying the sunshine?

Later we had a barbeque and sat out in the garden till quite late.  It has been a lovely weekend.  it is not often that BB’s sporting commitments are in lovely locations and it is very rare for the weather to be so amazing.  Usually I have multiple layers on at rugby and football and I am still cold.  I have no doubt that is still to come!

Here’s a view of the River Tweed at Peebles.

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