Oh dear

Staying upright, trying to avoid being run over by toddlers with penguins/being decapitated by flailing blades and taking photos was just pushing multi tasking that bit too far. So I gave up. My mum was snapping from the sidelines so she hopefully had a bit more success than I did! It was a great day though, Bella had a very happy (but puppyless) birthday, loads of friends, fun, laughter and cake marred only by the new phone (I've resisted up until now but as she points out she will be starting to venture out into the big wide world so needs a phone so i can keep tabs on her!) falling down the loo. It's currently sitting in a bowl full of rice drying out. Fingers crossed it survives!
I'm now feeling exhausted, sentimental and immensely proud of my beautiful, bright, all round wonderful but completely clumsy daughter. She really is a little star

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