Silly Saturday ....

.... at the zoo?

No ... not the zoo!

We wanted to do something different today so we attended the Spuds and Suds Festival in Bath, PA today!  But before we even got to the festival I spotted these huge sculptures in the front yard of this house! How great and silly are these!?!  The home owner was actually painting another sculpture in the side yard as we were walking by.  That one appeared to be a life sized owl .... not over sized like some of these. My picture is two pictures combined in order to show the sculptures on both sides of the stairs. 

We had fun walking around at the festival and we ran into an old co-worker of mine from years ago.  She had her ten year old twins with her and I just couldn't believe how much they've grown! I hadn't seen them since they were babies! Where has the time gone!

After leaving the festival we went to Jacobsburg State Park.  We visited the frog pond first and then watched for hummingbirds to come to the feeders that were out.  We did see some but I didn't get any decent shots. 

We spent the afternoon at home and then went for a walk at Housenick Park after supper.

And that's another Silly Saturday gone!

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