Onwards and upwards

I've felt sorry for this chap when it comes to GCSE's. He's a bright lad and he does well in class but, Lord, do I recognise that loathing of revision. He battled through his mocks, last year, and I saw him trying around Easter to knuckle down to it for the main event but - again, like me - he ended up relying a lot on last minute cramming. 

Still, it's all worked out well. An 8 in Music (one mark off a 9), then 7s, 6s, and 5s in everything else. We went over to school together to pick up the results and register him for sixth form, and then I drove him down to Morecambe for work. 

We popped into Costa for a takeaway coffee, and as we were about to get back in the car, I asked him to hang on while I took a photo of the bay. Here he is, then, hunched slightly against the weather, coffee in hand, and, I think, relieved that his GCSEs are over and Music 'A' level is just around the corner.  

-10.5 kgs

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