Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Spring has sprung!

Almost over night there are cherry trees in bloom on Shipley Plateau. Once again a quick blip with my iPhone. A REALLY quiet day today, my friend was pretty wobbly and we didn’t venture far. I think all of the excitement of her son visiting had taken its toll. I’m happy to report that after 9 months of constant effort we are finally sleeping in the Waratah Room at the end of the house. The components that we were waiting for arrived this am at 6.45am. I couldn’t believe it when I heard the massive truck turn up.

I have felt a bit under the weather today and everything seemed to be an effort. I wish someone could give me a sure fire remedy for that tight tickly cough that has snuck up on me. Last night I resorted to the good old fashioned Butter Menthols and so far they seem to be the most successful.

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