Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I had an appointment with the physiotherapist today. We were supposed to talk about my back (which has improved very much since I got my new bed) but instead we talked about my foot and heel problems. My guess was right, but I got some wrong. It's the tendon under my foot that attaches to the heel, that's inflamed. He, my physio, thought it was because I'd begun to walk a lot more that usually, everyday, and my tendon wasn't used to the strain. It will pass, he said. But since I have the stress related illness, my body takes longer to rebuild itself, to heal. It might take some more time, but.... I have another exercise to do, a lot of good advice and a really good explanation of what's going on. I know what to do, and what not to do. I can take pain meds to take away the pain, and I know that I need soft shoes. And, for next summer I plan to be prepared and not get into this situation ever again. 
There's a light in the tunnel at least. :) 
On my way to the health clinic I saw signs of an arriving autumn.

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