My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Twirlywoos live!

Today marks the end of my summer holiday as I am back at work tomorrow. In fact my school returned today, but Wednesdays are my day off!

L and I spent a lovely day together. We caught a train into London to visit the Southbank. We started by having a photo by the London Eye... which L knows as “that’s where Mummy and Daddy got married”. We had tickets for the Twirlywoos show at the Underbelly Festival theatre just along from there... and, oh my goodness, did she love it?!

L was a giddy giggler all the way through for the whole hour... and then dissolved into tears when it was all over.

“I am going to miss the Twirlywoos.”
“I want them to come back.”
“We will see them tomorrow.”

Afterwards we had lunch at Wagamamas followed by (very expensive) frozen yoghurt in a pot being sold from a big pink bus parked by the river.

Such a lovely time... we were both exhausted on the train home.

Great end to the summer break.

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