I did'nt travel
very far today. I walked to the allotment this morning. The overnight rain has done the garden a power of good. The rainbow chard seedlings planted out yesterday looked very perky :) I thinned out the very healthy Mooli seedlings. They have germinated really quickly. The carrot & beetroot seed just beginning to poke through the soil. I transplanted the Mooli thinnings to another piece of ground that I had quickly turned. I needed to protect them from the local feathered residents, so they had to fit inside an existing wired frame. I hope they do well. I used Mooli a lot in Thailand. I sowed a row of spinach, & pak choi. Pak choi did really well on the allotment last year. Now I need to find some brassica plants .. It's getting late to plant. I picked beans, courgettes, & raspberries off my plot, then picked beans & raspberries off Richard & Shirley's plot. They have gone to Sussex for the week. Time to head back home, it's starts to rain, not heavy just wet. ... blimey! It's 11 o'clock .... Time flies when I'm up on the allotment.
Husband's moody ... great! 2 late birthday cards plus a letter from Warburton's Customer Care Dept with some vouchers. I make brunch, then head off to pick blackberries. Drive down to CK heath. There are always plenty of places for blackberrying ... I love it! I picked 2kilos in no time, yucky, mizzly, wet stuff put me off picking more. I was wet. Drove back up to Chudders. No money on me so headed home, dropped off the car. picked up some money and walked up to buy sugar needed for the Hedgerow jelly.
Back again, cooked up the blackberries, sloes, apple, & haw berries. The colour from the fruit was fabulous. It's going to make delicious jelly, but first I have to strain the juice off. Mum had given me a couple of odd legs from a pair of tights perfect for the job. We used them in the past to make crabapple jelly, but I needed to find a way to hang the tights up for the juice to strain off overnight. Then I had a flash of inspiration. A friend gave us a wooden kitchen trolley. I removed the shelves, turned it upside down, gave it a quick dust, re-placed one shelf, tied the fruit filled tights to a wooden spoon, positioned it through the slats of the shelf, set the bowl underneath, & Bob's yer uncle! Perfect! Froze a kilo of blackberries. Then made pastry for pasties, dinner tonight. While the pastry was resting a prepared the latest batch of beans for freezing. Time to make the pasties .. 1 done, 1 to go. I'd started to layer the filling then suddenly remembered I had'nt added the swede. Too late! Pasties in the oven, I prepared another batch of beans for the freezer.
Now I'm going to go through the photos I took at The Garden house yesterday.
Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting & giving us the additional tag 'Travel'
Goodnight Blippers!
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