
Today we have been multi-tasking!

First thing this morning I only had a little walk around the block. I've lived with Ann long enough to know that if I only have a morning 'around the block' walk, then I get a longer walk after we've had our breakfast.

After breakfast we went to 'Juvenate Fitness Club'. Ann was a member there for about 3 months before she adopted me. BUT, after I came into her life, she just didn't have time to go because looking after a puppy is very time consuming and very exhausting. Now that I'm 9 months old and Juvenate has a special offer on – 'pay for 9 months & get 3 months free Ann is starting to get her life back. So she's signed up for 12 months of fitness.......................... Swimming, aquafit classes, dance aerobics, line dancing, etc, etc..........................

Anyway today Ann has been very busy so we've had to multi-task. I waited in the car while she went into Juvenate and then I went for a lovely walk up Corstorphine Hill. (This is a Blip of me beside the Corstorphine Hill Tower).

Corstorphine Hill is a fab place for a little puppy like me. I was zooming around all over the place because there's loads of woods. I like woods because squirrels live in woods and I like chasing squirrels. To be honest Ann doesn't like Corstorphine Hill. It's a HUGE place with loads and loads of paths. And it's really eerie................. for a human...................... not for a little collie pup! You could get murdered and buried there and no one would know On the whole of the walk we only saw two people. A lady with two big fluffy white dogs, but they were on their leads because they'd been naughty and hadn't come back to her when she called. So I couldn't play with them. And then we met a very lovely professional dog walker with 6 dogs. I had a fabulous play with all of his dogs. We were running around all over the place and I got proper exhausted. Oh and they all had 'tracking devices' on their collars. Wonder if I should get one. Ann's going to google them. Apparently there's lots of deer & foxes in the woods and even the bestest of best dogs sometimes goes into chase mode. According to the professional dog walker??!!

Home and I had snooze time while Ann went out to do a 'meet & greet'. I was really tired but I was still left with treats in my squeaky snake that I had to retrieve. Ann was out for less than an hour and a half and I'd had a bit of a nibble at the kitchen skirting boards. Grrrrrrrrrrrr..................... 

Then the plan was............................. take me to Portobello Beach at about 3.30pm to play with my ball because Ann had a 'meet & greet' to do at Porty at 4.30pm. More multi-tasking. After I'd been tired out I was going to be left in the car for a snooze.

Best laid plans and all that................. visitors texted to say they'd be arriving about 3.45pm so we rushed down to Porty, Ann left me in the car for all of 15 mins while she did her 'meet & greet' and then we went to the beach to play with my ball. And then it started to rain?! So I only played for about half an hour, but to be honest that was enough.

It's very tiring playing with a ball but do you know what?........................... It was lovely to be able just to lie down in the sea and have a little chillax before Ann threw it for me again. (This is a Blip of me chillaxing with my ball in the sea at Porty).

Home, snooze time, and Ann has just taken me out for a walk around our block of flats to see if I wanted a wee. I did!

…...........Unfortunately after going for almost 2 months without wee-ing indoors, I wee'd on our new rug yesterday & the day before so Ann's not taking any chances. Why do you think I did that????????

Ann wants me to learn to have a wee on the balcony if I'm really desperate but I prefer the new living room rug.  Why do you think that is????????????????


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