Andrew and his Digger

Today's the day ……………………. when the earth moved

Ever since we've lived here, we've not had much of an idea where the septic tank was.

The previous owner wasn't 100% sure.  It certainly hadn't been emptied for the past twenty years or so - not that there was any problem, I hasten to add - and it's not uncommon for a well-working cesspit to be left for that length of time.  But we thought that it might be a good idea to at least establish where it was, just in case something did go wrong in the future.

So today, the wonderful Andrew came with his digger and with a bit of deft earthmoving, we now know where it is.  It is a good ten feet below the surface of the ground, however.  It possibly had a load of soil dumped on it when work was being done to the bridge?  Who knows?

But thank goodness for men with diggers …………………...

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