Rosebay Willowherb and Cabbage White

Aliscotia and I spent a lovely morning catching up at Greystones Nature Reserve starting with a coffee and piece of cake (thanks Ali!) and then a walk down to the lakes where we saw damselflies and butterflies galore.  I love the name Rosebay Willowherb which is why I've chosen this shot for Flower Friday but I've added extras of a comma butterfly and a speckled wood butterfly (neither of which I've seen before) and a damselfly.  It was hard to choose a main blip!

I'm taking little Sammy to the Dogs Trust tomorrow morning for him to meet a family interested in adopting him.  So we may only have him for another week or so which will be very sad for us but, of course, good for him.

Many thanks Anni (BikerBear) for hosting the Flower Friday challenge.

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