For those of you who have 'known' me since I joined Blip, you know that there are certain creatures - both winged and furry - that I spend a lot of time with. There is a pair of Mute Swans who I have visited for quite a few years now. Swans are very much like humans; they mate for life (unless one dies) and they remember people who are kind to them. I had seen this particular pair once in the Spring for about a week or so and then they disappeared.
This evening I was so excited to see that they had returned with four teens - three greys and one polish cygnet!! I was so worried when I sat down on my usual rock that they would not remember me and I would be driven away (as swans will do!). The cob swam up to me and gave me his usual look (extra) and after a few words and photos, he moved off to keep the geese and ducks away from his offspring.
Mrs came over very briefly but was more interested in eating. And then the cygnets came over. Oh my what personalities they have!! The little polish girl is so shy and quiet (she did the most 'cheeping'). This one in my main blip was the boldest and did not hesitate to come right up to me and had the most beautiful plumage!!
I adore them...unconditionally ; ))
Happy Friday!!
D x
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