
By bigred1977

Super Hot Saturday!

It's stinking hot today.....why the landlord never installed air conditioning in our house when he lived here is beyond me! It's 16:20 in the afternoon and its still 39c ......bloody hot!

Anyways today we thought we would go further up the mountain to escape the heat and it was unusually warm up there too! We visited the boys at Leura Cellars, bringing them lunch of pork rolls!

I had a mission today to try and convert a work mate to drinking good easy task but with the help of rob from the cellars I hope I have a few beers to ease my work mate into the wide world of beautiful beers!

Home now to a few beers and an afternoon of lying in the hammock ......I foolishly started doing some work in the garden until I realised that it was far too hot for any of that nonsense!

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