
Hot day today. Really sorry to have to tell all our international followers that but it got close to 31C in the late afternoon. Spare a moments thought for our Australian cousins who are in the depths of the bush fire season. There is nothing in my book that is scarier than a bush fire and The Bossess sister lives in an area of Australia where this can be a constant danger. Everyone is linked with radio but water resources can be sparse so prevention is always on everyone's mind.

Suzz however has a wonderful accessory for me. Air Conditioning, but today I stayed home with The Bossess who was flat out catching up on her holiday reading and The Boss popped down the road to this paddock that had been noted earlier but needed some nicer low light.

In spite of the rain a few days ago and the unusually high lake levels which may spell cheaper power at some time in the future it is still pretty dry in some areas as it looks here.

The Boss says to advise all that he is still in catch up mode not assisted today by some slowdowns at Blip Central.
Maybe it's The weather?

Need a close shave

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