Ongoing Harvest

Everyday, we eat some of our strawberries.
Everyday, we also eat some of our tomatoes.

Went to work, worked, went back home.  I'm pretty much prepared for next week but will work on some mail in the weekend, which is okay with me since I make sure to take time off on weekdays, so all compensated.

Since this is a personal blog, just want to put here as well that I am still reeling a tiny bit from all that the Viking has discovered these past two months.  How the 'old folks' must have hated me, so much that they had to contrive and set up numerous complicated ways to make sure I (and the tax office) didn't know what they were up to and also so that I didn't get anything.  I'm questioning a lot of things again that I already had answers to and had figured out, and, still, the enormity of their strategies and scams is mind-boggling.  It really wouldn't have mattered if I had graduated with the ultimate honours, or been beautiful enough to be Miss Anything, or even skilled enough to play the piano and design a palace and cook a 12-course dinner.  I was simply no good.  I'm not wondering what I should have done, only how you can live like that and call it life.  I don't think they really had any life.  And they wanted no one around them to have any life either.  Everyone was supposed to be just as miserable and discontented as they were.  And now, with help from the Viking, I am trying to rectify some things.  I find myself wondering what for.  I have to remind myself that I'm not doing it for the money, but for my own honour, something they never gave a fuck about.

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