Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Say cheese!

This morning Gavin and I took Xena to her puppy training class. The dog trainer was impressed how she was so much more relaxed this week and wanting to play with all the other dogs, including the 5 month old strong Staffie. Last week she was terrified of the other dogs! I was worried she would be the only puppy not to do the tasks properly but thankfully she did well. We did the recall command, in various situations, and then started working on the commands stay and wait.  I think it was tiring as when we got home she slept and slept...

Later in the afternoon a friend came around with his two and a half year old son. I tried to take some photos but he would not sit still at all, so I was running after him with the camera and trying to grab shots wherever and whenever I could. 

Tonight we have our joint birthday dinner celebration for Adam and I. It is lovely to have a birthday that gets celebrated over a few days! I have a lovely young girl coming in to babysit Xena as dinner will be too long to leave her on her own. She came to meet Xena this afternoon and we went over what she needs to do - the main thing was  how to avoid being mistaken for a chewy toy when the sharkies set in!

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