The Painted Lady & The Tansy

I know there  have been swarms of painted ladies but I was thrilled to see three in my garden today, enjoying the tansy. Two were jewel bright and one was a poor faded and tattered thing but he frolicked with the other two in the sunshine. Yes, sunshine! Bright and breezy and no torrential downpours as predicted - apparently it all veered off somewhere in the night. A lovely bracing swim just taken.

And forget Brexit, Trump, climate change and the end of the world - the leading story over here today is about Benjy the Gay Bull. Yes, Benjy, a handsome Charlois from Mayo, was not very good at his job and preferred consorting with bullocks and his future looked grim. However, he was saved through the efforts of the LGBT community and animal rights campaigners and the general public and sent off to a farm in Norwich where is he shares a field with Bernie, another bull, a sterile one,  saved from a similar fate!  A documentary has just been made about him!

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