Bird antics
Well they say it's an ill wind that blows no good and today was a wonderful example of that. My brother rang to say his computer had broken so he had to travel over to see us for some assistance fixing it. (A broken hard disk has now been diagnosed!) I don't often see my brother and he arrived just as we were talking on skype to our son and his girlfriend so he managed to see them and then my daughter arrived with her boyfriend so lots of catching up. After lunch the two of us had a bracing walk along the beach for a couple of hours. So bad news on the computer front as the disk will need to be ordered but good news on the family catch up - and he'll have to come back again to collect it when it's fixed!
Whilst we were on the beach it was great watching the gulls and their antics. I watched the gull in the main picture dancing at the side of the pool, almost massaging the sand - I assume to encourage the worms to come up and then reaching into the water. It was windy and many were busy preening their feathers. I've tried lots of times to catch them in flight and this is the best result so far - a shame about the iron man blob in the distance!
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