
Today blip is definitely not about a great photo!  But the learning curve....

The good news is husband has turned a corner with the flu I think.  The past few days he has been in bed or in his recliner downstairs, sleeping in front of the TV.   This afternoon I could hear him getting up and going outside and filling the bird bath several times.  He is watching baseball games on TV and not sleeping.  I wondered about the bird bath filling and he explained the birds kept emptying it.  I tried to go out and get a photo of the bird bath just filled with birds but they wouldn't come if I was out there.  So I spent way too much time figuring out the Canon Connect App.  I had used it years ago with the rebel to download photos to the phone, but not take a remote photo.  After getting it to work on my current camera I set the camera on the tripod outside on the deck facing the birdbath.  I came inside and then had a learning curve for the focusing...the light was of course way to bright by this time but I now have it figured out.

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