Clark Tales

By cclark

Take off #27

Edinburgh to London, London to Newark, two trains to Philadelphia, then a local train to Secane to get to Fran and Ed's house. But to have been randomly checked into seat #27 made my day as it means so much to my beloved HEADstrong Foundation #4Nick

On arrival we were met by my namesake Cheryl and Pat for dinner, then Andrea (Cheryl's daughter in-law, wife of eldest son Pat jnr) arrived with the two kids, Ava and Chris. Chris asked his Great Grandmother, Fran aka GG, if she had on demand, and if she didn't she could come over to his house as he had on demand - bless his 3 yr old little brain, already obsessed with TV lol.

We have no luggage as that has all be lost by the airline due to our delayed take off in Edinburgh and the mad dash in London, we made the flight but the bags didnt. Oh well, hello insurance claim for the new clothes I'll be buying - but hope the kilts are with us by Friday x

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