
First day back to work for Stalker today, and after a cuppa and catch up we headed off to meet Sue at the Golf Club. It is the end of an era for all three of us. Sue’s health has decreed that it is time for her to retire. When I was given my first role in education, about 13 years ago, she joined me, sharing the workshops and helping with all the set ups. When I was made Manager, she was again alongside me, as the coordinator, delivering every workshop and training new staff as our department grew. We did it all together, growing the number of workshops from the original three to the current 13. From three members of the team, to the current 15.

Stalker was one of the newbies that Sue trained, when she joined the team about six or seven years ago, who then progressed to Leader and eventually joined Sue, job sharing the coordinator role.

Sue is devastated that she must retire and Stalker and I are too! For me, it just won’t be quite the same without Sue beside me, supporting, helping and always standing by me even when she didn’t like or agree with a decision I had made.

I am going to send Sue the link to this blip, so Sue when you read this, Thank You! I couldn’t have done any of it without you, and please know that you may not be my coordinator, but you will always be my friend.

On a totally different note, Sparks789 - we are coming next week! Minus Dog, so dinner out? Our treat!

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