Andy's Photo Journal

By andmoff


Loaded up the bikes onto the car and headed out to the cycle track between Alloa and Dunfermline to give the boys a bit of a run out. Callum could have went for miles but Alex managed a credible 5 miles which was not bad considering he face planted early on. No damage done, but the Pingu helmet has had it I reckon. If I pack some Haribo, pump up his tyres and raise his seat he may be good for eight.

Dropped into Morrisons in Alloa and they had a some really interesting ales in there including a Harvieston IPA I'd never seen. That's tonight sorted.

The trigger trap arrived this afternoon so there has been some earnest faffing done as well as a bit of browsing. Tried to get some sample shots on the sound trigger but it was pish. A good rake on the net and the way to go is to trigger the flash on the noise with the shutter open on bulb in a darkened rom. There will be much faffing to come.... Other features looked excellent as well, will need to come up with a cunning way to attach the iPhone to the tripod though.

Liked this view from the side of the old railway track. I'm still taken with the unused margins at the edges of our lives, the "terrain vague".

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