Drip Drop

It's raining again and it seems to be reflecting my plummeting mood.
I'm starting to gather my goods and chatels and pack them into bags ready for the return journey home.

I'm aware of a rising anxiety which is most unpleasant so I tuned into the mindfullness meditation app again on my phone, I've done 3 already this morning and it's only 9.15am, I realise that I can't stop thinking about the letters that will be waiting on my doorstep to be opened, bills, hospital appointments and Dr's reports, Dental appointments to fix broken and aching teeth. I can feel them pulling me away from the peace and quiet of my little sanctuary and the sound of the sea into a very different reality.

Think of a positive? I am looking forward to making and delivering the Aromatherapy sprays that I started to blend and bottle a few days before I took this break away, I had a great response and some instant requests so this will help to shift my focus and attention, the house will smell good too. I'm also looking forward to seeing my broken leg son and the children, this is their first morning back to school after the long summer break. 

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