Gordian? : One Street 1 #10
Yet more mizzle, and general grey and dampness. I had a very profitable morning in the polytunnel though and pulled up bolted lettuces and a few mildewy tomatoes, hacked back the rocket and dug in quantities of compost. It's our own compost and its amazing how it's full of little bits of plastic, bottle tops and teabag bags - and we thought we'd sorted everything out so carefully! Lots of worms though, so that's good.
Another in the One Street project. I still haven't moved off the pier and am in a very similar spot to this image - the bollard thingy is behind the boxes. I liked this jumble of coloured ropes which didn't seem to go anywhere but stretched right down the pier. The red van was waiting for the catch and the boats were out. A misty Kitchen Cove is in the background plus Mr N's house.
Edit: I've changed the title thanks to Friedaquilter's clever observation
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