I had a wonderful morning swim at the beach. The water was very calm. Just occasional waves breaking the surface.

So... I'll make it official now. I'm menopausal. Now wonder this summer has been so tough. Now that it's bit cooler I'm still sweating like I'm in inferno. One minute I'm fine and the next I'm sweaty from head to toe. Lis told me that here she can't tell which is which, if she's having hot flashes or just sweating like you do here, so it's been really difficult to grasp this situation, but now I'm pretty sure. It also explains why I'm having difficulty to sleep.

Anyway there it is. Any good advice to help cope with the symptoms would be greatly appreciated. I've read a ton mostly about living healthy and know quite a lot about that area, but what really works I'd like to know. Like does anyone have a bucket of cold water next to you and just dip your feet into that or something more imagnary than that!

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