My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

That’s better!

Bella Bear had a busy day during her first day with L.

L had a check up at the dentist this morning. The dentist reported that her teeth and gums are clean and healthy. She still has a bit of a cross-bite which the dentist will monitor when her adult teeth start to come through and she may need braces if it’s still there then.

After the dentist we went to the Picturehouse cinema in Bromley for 6 back-to-back episodes of Hey Duggee! At just £3 for L and free for me, it was a good way of introducing L to the cinema experience with something short and familiar. I wasn’t sure how she was going to react to the sound and the dark but she was absolutely fine, smiling and giggling away. Having said that, she says she does not want to go again! Funny girl.

A little lunch treat at Café Rouge and then home to an afternoon of playing with her toys and running about in the garden.

I also took the opportunity to put all of Bella Bear’s clothes through the washing machine and shower her in a load of Febreeze! Everything smells much better now. Who knows when it was last washed... urgh! As a teacher who has previously sent this type of thing home with children, I always made sure it was presentable and something you wouldn’t mind accepting into your home, for your child to cuddle. Not so at nursery it seems!

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