Number 1 Rock

After find a decorated pebble at Ditchling Common, I thought it might be fun to start off a Rock and Pebble decorating craze myself and start hiding them. But its not as easy as you might think!!!! Holding the tiny pebble while you write on it is hard enough!!!

Anyway, here is decorated Pebble Number 1. I hope to improve on my skills!!

The idea is you hide a decorated pebble, or just leave it somewhere random, someone finds it and reads the information on the back that says "HeartFreekRocks - Instagram, Facebook, - Keep it or re-hide it". They then take a picture of it and post it on Social Media telling us where they found it. I can then plot the journey of the Pebble (if they decided to re-hide it of course!!!)

I have set up a HeartFreekRocks Instagram and Facebook account so I can follow the progress of the Rocks and Pebbles and hopefully it might encourage people to have a look at Blipfoto too. So if anyone fancies decorating a Pebble, please feel free to tag it "HeartFreekRocks" !!!

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