POG's Journal


I need to level with you…

My Day:
I picked my mate up at 06:50 and we set off on our 150-mile trip to Newport Velodrome.

The traffic was slow on the M27 as they are making it into a smart motorway and there are speed restrictions, then on the M3 near Winchester it was again slow but once on the A34 I was up to the maximum speed for an A road then at Newbury we joined the M4 which takes up to a few miles from the velodrome.

A cup of coffee and toast and jam at a local coffee vendor then to the velodrome, bikes out of the boot and wheels fitted then ready to go.

I did manage to fall off my bike before I got anywhere near the track, I bashed my elbow and bruised my ego but nothing else… My wonderful hip makes I very hard to get on and off the bike and with the slippery floor and wear cycling shoes with the cleats was not a good combination for this doddery old chap.

Once on the track the new position did feel a bit better, I think, I will need a few more goes to be 100% sure it is better, and I would like another video of be to see myself what things look like.

Once done the bikes were disassembled, back on the boot of the car and the M4 was beckoning. traffic free run home and all was good.
We booked up to go back to Newport next week for another session… Hopefully I will stay upright this time.
Another eBay purchase… a little spirit level that fits in the shoe of the camera to make sure it is level… Not sure how much use it will be but sort of interesting (well 4 quits worth of interesting)
More tomorrow,


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