Chick Flick

By Flick


Through this door in 30 seconds will come a slightly awkward Consultant, a warm and friendly nurse and he will tell my friend Judy the worse news ever. She has breast cancer.
She didn't flinch I on the other hand gasped 'Oh No' and tears welled up ...

After this shock we were told all over again by three differnt arms of the team and mostly it went in ... then we played truant from the rest of our normal life and had a DAMN and SOD IT lunch and then moseyed doing nothing letting it all sink in slowly till it was time to go home .

And just to underline the sodding unfairness of all this, Judy's husband is currently undergoing chemotherapy for bowel cancer.

Feel a bit rung out now so it's a post and run for few ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ on the sofa ...

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