
I woke up with a slight head ache and hangover! It was far too much wine last night!
After breakfast Christina and I sat together to finally sort my fathers finances that still needed to e split and it was a lot of fiddle work to go through all the accounts and depots he had. 
the shares he had had 20% loss since his death. But that is the market at the moment.
In the end we only had a few open items and 90 % solved.
So this is good!
I was in touch with Marcus who suggested to meet in the evening.
I got ready after we finished and drove to Bürstadt, where Marcus and Claudia moved a year ago.
Marcus and I went out for Dinner and had a long needed chat.
We were ar couple when we were 19 and we always kept in touch and he is my best friend, although we do not see each other often - and sometimes not for years.
So basically the male pendant to Pe!
We ended up in the house and I also met Claudia properly and it was after 1 am before I hit the road to drive back to Malchen.
I was home after 2 pm and in bed at around 3 am.

Tomorrow I need to be early to say good bye to Christina and get packed for the trip to Edersee in the evening, after I have picked Neil at the airport.

I have no proper plans for tomorrow, but contacted Grant - another old friend and musician. 

Blipping Marcus - he is the typical black and white model - somehow :)

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