All we have are moments

What photos stay with you?  Midst hundreds of ho-hum family shots there are a few that I return to. I'm trying to tease out the reasons.

History - car, tv, furniture, clothes, hair.  And, history - my parents' lives before adulthood, each other, marriage, children.
Memories - mine, on the beach, bopping my sister on the head (haha!).  And, mum, in the garden playing badminton? So out of character.  I would never believe it without the proof. 

Then humour, friendship, family, love.

These early photos seem to be better than what came later.  We became  self-conscious.  Why would that be? 

The photos I never took and wish I had.  Dad cooking Christmas dinner, wearing a paper crown.  Why not?  It's there in my head.  I plan not  to miss those moments again (my brother-in-law can look out, he's escaped the lens for far too long). 

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