A day in the life

By Shelling


I went to see the opening performance "Förvandlingar", 'Transformations' of the new theatre house situated at Kalmar harbour. The company is called "Byteatern", 'The Village theatre', and has had small and not satisfactory working conditions for many years. Now the politicians of Kalmar council decided to give them a rebuild of the old house to make it bigger but also equipped with one of the most modern technical equipments when it comes to lighting and sound. Their performance today was very exciting and promising for the future.

The theatre is situated near the harbour in Kalmar but unfortunately a bit squeezed in between the, also newly built, Kalmar university. What you see is what you see of the entrance from a distance, there are still some building signs left. The inside is certainly much more interesting than the outside.
Welcome to visit. http://byteatern.se/

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