Jumping over Swiss houses
We went up into the country for lovely fresh air and a good long walk. What we didn't know was that there was horse-jumping on up in those fields! We stood for about half an hour to watch the handsome horses and their young riders. This one is just coming up to the second house to jump over it. Some of the jumps were amazingly high and also wide. The horses were marvellous - and I can tell that a lot of training went behind dealing with all these obstacles and keeping up a good speed as well.
If I'd known about the horses before, I would have taken my big zoom lens, though it is pretty heavy, but would have been fine resting on my monopod!
We continued our walk, at a rather brisk pace, to be able to catch the bus back down to the metro station. Two of the three buses were not running because of the event.
I'm really tired this evening after masses of walking, up and down lots of hills - nearly 9 km!
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