Much needed

This is the point of the week where me and Nick can slouch down somewhere and relax.

Didn't post last night as I was feeling pretty crap. I woke up yesterday morning with a dry throat but thought I had just slept with my mouth open all night or something but come 3pm I had a headache. Then ear ache. Then with three hours left of work I got achey. And tired. My throat felt like it was closing up.

It came out of nowhere! I was in bed by eleven, asleep by about half past. Then woke up at 00:40. Oh god, I thought, it's going to be one of those nights. Luckily I only woke up once more at about four (feeling even worse) before the alarm went off at half seven. Somehow I was feeling a bit more human by then so I decided I probably should go in to work after dosing myself up on cold and flu stuff.

So anyway, important thing is that I survived, only had to get angry with a few customers today (seriously, who the fuck thinks its a good idea to play with a hacky sack down a busy health and beauty aisle?! Morons) and tomorrow we are only nipping out for some substrate for Cali then relaxing for the rest of the day.

Think it's my 500th tomorrow or Monday too...... Must get thinking of something spectacular... Ish.

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