Nick drives me down to La Roche St Secret to begin my journey. I’ll take the GR9 across La Lance, down to Nyons. It’s not far but there’s a lot of up, a lot of down, and plenty of along.
I’m on the road just after 8 (there’s some fiddling around looking for the right starting point). La Lance is spectacular. Windy as hell on the top. And there’s a detour to take us around a compound patrolled by two very noisy white labs.
I get to Nyons just after 4. Where I bump into Hugh, Val, and Eloise. I’m catching the 17:10 school bus to Vaison, which gives me plenty of time for a swift demo pression.
The central campsites in Vaison are full, so I have to walk a couple of miles out of town. I pick up some supplies on the way, setup camp, and visit the bar. This is a low tent place - I feel right at home. I nurse my 9cl glass of cold red while watching my phone charge.
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