On The Mend

Imagine my horror when the jar I was taking out of the cupboard slipped out of my hand, fell onto my two favourite mugs, knocking them like skittles off the worktop to crash onto one of the cat dishes beneath, scattering catfood and shards over a wide radius, shortly before we left to collect the Flumlet from school.
My most recent purchase, from Highland Stoneware in Lochinver, survived unscathed but my Harray Potter mug, from Fursbreck in Orkney, lost part of its rim, broken into five pieces.
Here is the repair partway through; two easy pieces already attached on the left of the gap, three to go. As I write there are two more under a piece of sticking plaster to support their fragile join; if that succeeds the last piece will take its place on the right.
I fear that there will be small gaps but have a cunning plan to fill them with a mix of ground-up terra-cotta ( from a broken flowerpot) and glue, which will match the base colour. My father swore by Araldite and always had some to hand, I hope he is looking down on me with an approving smile. 
If all else fails I shall have to persuade Mr Flum that a holiday in Orkney is just what he needs... .

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