The story so far...


Kevin the kiwi

This is Kevin the kiwi who was kindly given to cam for Christmas by a good friend of mummy's. He is a bouncy kiwi and was used to try and cheer cam up this evening before he went to bed.
He was in a lovely mood during the day and we ventured to Windsor with max and cj and their mummies for a walk around the shops and a coffee. The problem started when we were walking to catch our train at the station and a fast train rushed past us and tooted its horn. Mummy is not sure if it was the loud noise or the gust of wind which followed but cam sobbed his heart out the whole way home, ate his dinner very cautiously and wasn't really in the playtime mood he usually is in.
As you can see Kevin did the job wonderfully and smiles resumed just before bed. Thanks Kev x

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